Jump$tart National Educator Conference

November 7 - 9, • Boston Park Plaza Hotel

Together We Shine

Teachers, sponsors, speakers, exhibitors, and other supporters of financial education are gathering November 7 – 9, 2025 for the 16th annual Jump$tart National Educator Conference at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel in downtown Boston, MA to expand the actionable impact of effective financial education in the classroom.

The Jump$tart National Educator Conference aligns with the Jump$tart’s three strategic pillars: communication, collaboration, and support for effectiveness in financial education, and it supports the goals of Check Your School, our national public-engagement campaign to increase and improve financial education in elementary, middle, and high schools across the country.

At Jump$tart, we believe that every student deserves financial education to prepare them sufficiently for their adult lives and that classroom-based financial education is critical for those students who cannot get this guidance at home. Personal finance teachers are changing lives… and this conference is for them. At the #JumpstartNEC, teachers learn about classroom resources that they can start using as soon as they return to school. they hear what’s new in finance and financial education, and they meet fellow educators from across the country ―  and many stay in touch throughout the year.

This conference gives the rest of us the opportunity to support these talented and dedicated professional educators… and perhaps most importantly, to thank them for what they do.


All teachers attend on scholarship!  Learn more about scholarship criteria, application deadlines, and what awaits you in Louisville.
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If you have financial education resources, we have teachers who want to know about them. Join us for the opportunity to meet your most enthusiastic users.
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As a scholarship sponsor, your donation doesn’t buy signage; it enables real-life teachers to attend.  We’ll even give you their names.
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Impact of the Jump$tart NEC

In 2024, 325 teachers joined us from 48 states. Collectively, these teachers reach 41,684 students in one school year alone; but since most of them go on to teach for years to come, the impact is exponential. Additionally, teachers who attend have reported that they share resources and information from the conference with an average of 14.5 other educators, significantly expanding its reach.

What Teachers Are Saying

“It should be said that in 21 years of teaching I have never attended a more wonderful conference… I appreciate being treated like a professional.”

“I could have used a FEDEX box to carry materials home. This is a good problem.”

“All I can say is attending #jumpstartnec is absolutely amazing! Learn new things and meet amazing people.”


The wildly popular NEC Exhibit Hall is one of the ways Jump$tart supports its Partners and other resource providers.  Our teachers are hungry for your resources and you can meet them in November! Exhibitor registration will open in early 2025 and will run until October or whenever the Exhibit Hall reaches capacity.

Stay Informed

For announcements and the latest developments on #JumpstartNEC 2024, follow us on social media @Jumpstart1995 and/or subscribe to our Financial Fridays newsletter.